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Please stay on the road - Don't loose points - Keep our cats alive - Please stay on the road - Don't loose points - Keep our city safe : don't drink and drive ! - Please stay on the road - Don't loose points - Toy Cars only - Please stay on the road - Don't loose points - Please fasten your seatbelt - Please stay on the road - Don't loose points - Web Devs look so good !! - Please stay on the road - Don't loose points - 1 line : DANGER / 2 lines : SAFETY - Please stay on the road - Don't loose points - Don't you know pump it up ? - Please stay on the road - Don't loose points - You've got to pump it up ! - Please stay on the road - Don't loose points - Feeling tired ? Have a nap ! - Please stay on the road - Don't loose points - Have a look on our ducks on the lake ! - Please stay on the road - Don't loose points

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Ready to start the Super Race ?

Remember the fearless adventures you had with your toy car ?
Or perhaps, you were one of these lucky kids who had a f*c*** awesome CAR RACE CARPET ?
Good childhood memories never bored (otherwise you're boring so you can leave this page)...

So get ready, grab your favorite toy car, and start the Super Race !

Let's start !

Made with love by :